
Anxiety and Overwhelm

Worrying is a significant part of your life.

The very idea of worrying is worrisome! But how do you stop?

Worrying rules your life!

Your palms are sweaty, your hearts racing, your breath shallow, and your stomach tied into knots.

The constant chatter in your head is overwhelming! Will it ever change?

Nothing helps you manage the way you feel.

Life used to be manageable, easy, even enjoyable!

But that feels so long ago that it’s hard to remember clearly and even harder to return to the way things used to be.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to push this feeling far enough away.

You are out of options for coping.

You’ve been running for so long; it’s hard to remember what pausing for a breath of fresh air or even resting feels like now.

But how long can you survive on empty?

You’ve developed so many ways to cope with life that the very idea of slowing down makes you even more anxious!

Something must change!

Slow down and allow your life to change gradually.

You don’t have to change all at once, and you don’t need to do it alone.

Slowly slowing down will most likely make you feel a lot better and be more effective than screeching to a halt and changing your whole life overnight.

Anxiety often acts as an alarm bell for us to pay attention to what’s happening.

Unfortunately, when we’re in an anxious state for a long time, that state starts to confuse our brain and nervous system about the perceived threat and how to orient relative to the perceived danger.

Learn to distinguish between types of threats.

In Somatic Experiencing Coaching, you’ll distinguish the difference between a real threat and a perceived threat. You’ll learn how the nervous system works and begin understanding the stress response cycle and learning Somatic tools for regulation. Having a better idea of what’s going on inside and having a tool kit to turn to will help you develop ways to support yourself and become more grounded when those feelings sneak back in!

You’ll finally have sense of stability and awareness to begin exploring what may be hiding underneath the unpleasant feelings and sensations.

By first developing a safe relationship with your body and nervous system, we can work together so you can feel empowered to resolve the things that made you feel unsafe or find support as you heal.

Life may have challenges, but those challenges don’t need to be an end-all-be-all. Together in Somatic Coaching, I can help you develop the tools you’ve been looking for to work through the bumps in the road and support your empowerment.

Don’t suffer alone for one more day. Contact me now, and let’s get started!