

Sleep is a thing of the past.

Tired doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Pain meds help, but they feel like yet another band-aid.

Coffee helps but doesn’t cut it!

Sleep is a distant memory about which you fantasize.

Lack of sleep brings all activities to a halt.

You hear people talking about fatigue and mind fog, but that feels like a walk in the park compared to the state of constant exhaustion you feel day in and day out.

It’s like every cell in your body is made of cement! Nothing is exciting or uplifting anymore.

You’ve missed out on years of authentic socializing; you’re too depleted to care. The few times you tried felt forced and fake.

What’s the point of even trying?

Your insomnia is unbearable.

Work is not letting up – and to be honest, how much longer can you live like this?

It’s hard to fall asleep at night, even harder to stay asleep, and you almost always wake up too early and can’t get back to sleep.

It’s making you crazy!

No sleep impacts your mind and body.

Speaking of crazy, it unnerves you to think about how many of your recent health problems become exaggerated by not sleeping well.

It’s a vicious cycle you can’t stop! When will this hamster wheel ever slow down?

If only you could figure out how to get your body and mind to stop long enough for you to take a full breath.

Unfortunately, time doesn’t heal all wounds, and healing your insomnia is not something you can do alone.

Somatic Experiencing can provide the help you need.

In Somatic Experiencing, we work together to understand how the nervous system works and learn tools to support it in coming back to a place of equilibrium. This helps you identify the underlying issues that are disrupting your sleep, so you can start feeling rested again.

You may have nighttime routines that are unconsciously disruptive, past trauma that’s keeping you up, or you don’t know how to let your body calm down! It’s like a racehorse lives inside of your body and is always raring to go.

You’re committed to making a real change, no matter how long it takes; you want the support and guidance to make it happen.

Call today! Let’s get started supporting you in getting a great night’s sleep!