
Your Issues Are in Your Tissues!

Let Your Body Guide You to a Life of Ease and Connection with This Breakthrough Technique!

Somatic Experiencing in San Diego, California

Nowhere to go, no way to slow down.

Your heart is pounding in your chest like you’re running a 400-meter sprint.

This energy feels locked inside you like a wild animal struggling to break free.

You don’t feel good inside your body, and nothing you’ve tried seems to make this feeling go away.

Yoga and meditation provide momentary relief, but before you’ve changed out of your stretchy pants, your jaw is clenched, and your shoulders are practically clinging to your earlobes.

It’s hard to reach out for help.

It doesn’t feel like anyone really understands what you’re going through (they certainly don’t have answers). Just because you carry these burdens well doesn’t mean they’re not heavy.

You need help! None of the strategies, tricks, or coping techniques are working anymore. You’re beginning to feel hopeless!

Pushing yourself through another week of responsibilities by sheer willpower alone, you struggle to keep going – it feels like you’re frozen in time!

Your life is slipping past you, and you feel hot, frustrated tears spilling down your cheeks.

You’re not alone. I can help.

Somatic Experiencing may be exactly the answer you’ve been looking for.

Together, we’ll explore areas of your body, mind, and life that are working or at least feeling ok from a nervous system point of view and focus there as we resolve the areas that are bringing you stress.

We’ll use an all-encompassing healing approach that may include talking, expressive arts, touch, sound, and movement.

Each session you’ll feel more relieved and connected to yourself. Over time, you’ll feel just like the true you that you’ve been dreaming of!

All is not lost.

Somatic Experiencing helps you re-establish an authentic connection with yourself and help it feel safe to be in your body again.

We’ll resolve tension, stress, and trauma within your body and mind.

As we uncover feelings of relief, we’ll savor and celebrate them together!

These small steps add up and eventually equate to significant changes.

Healing is closer than you think!

Before you know it, you’ll befriend your body and be able to reconnect with its messages as a reliable compass again!

You don’t need to suffer alone any longer.

I have the tools, skills, capacity, availability, and empathy you need to resolve the trauma you’re holding onto and feel embodied once again!

Call (760) 517-6474 now to set up your free 15-minute consultation.

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