

What are you looking for?

If you’re looking for a fast-paced, quick-fix – that’s not me.

If you’re looking for someone who will stand beside you, who’ll offer educational tools, supportive practices and hold your hand as you rediscover yourself on the path of healing, that’s me.

What You’ll Find

From the moment I greet you to the end of each session, you will feel my full presence, attention, and warmth. My goal in Somatic Coaching is to support you and connect you to resources – so you feel empowered as well as increasingly balanced and resilient, even between sessions.

I will never rush you, give you advice, or throw you into the deep end of the healing pool. Deep, life-changing healing can take time.

I offer authenticity, presence, resources, somatic practices, tools and support – so you can feel your true self again.

So, the compromised parts of you that are hurt and wounded can emerge and heal – as they’re ready.

How We’ll Collaborate

While we may develop goals and have a sense of a “roadmap,” the healing journey is cyclical and non-linear.

No matter where you are in the journey, you need the resources and resiliency to handle whatever life presents to you each day.

Together, we’ll explore the felt sense (or physical sensations) in your body, strengthen pockets of goodness, and orient to what’s working while holding space for what feels challenging.

Over time, you’ll feel more aware of yourself and feel empowered with tools that work so you can reconnect with parts of you that you may have abandoned when life felt like too much.

While You’re Healing

It took your brain and body many years to develop the challenging patterns and survival strategies you’ve mastered and use daily.

Naturally, it will take time to heal and unwind them.

As we work together, I offer a safe and compassionate space so you can feel comfortable enough to slow down and traverse the healing journey in the most effective way.

How You’ll Feel

The way your healing changes you may be surprising!

You’ll start feeling happy and energized again, and the world around you will look and feel amicable again.

We often call Somatic Experiencing “sneaky powerful” work, and soon you’ll understand why! While this journey may not happen overnight, it is extremely effective for helping you feel connected, at ease, and once again able to handle your life!

How I Approach Our Work

I arrive in each session genuinely excited to see you and work together.

I relate and empathize on a deep level from experiencing and healing my own challenges throughout life.

From a very young age, I’ve been hungry for healing parts of myself that were ready for a change – to understand how the emotions, trauma healing, and survival responses work so I could contribute to greater healing in surrounding communities.

I understand what that journey is and use it not only for myself but for others. I arrive with innate wisdom, professional training and experience, attuned tracking skills, and a heart full of empathy.

My genuine passion in Somatic Coaching is to support the healing journey of every client – including you!

About Me

My Educational Journey

I come from a background in fine arts, creativity, Expressive Arts, spirituality, meditation, nature based healing, the Autonomic Nervous System, Trauma Healing, compassionate touch, Attachment Trauma, and Somatic Experiencing™.

I’ve had the blessing to study all over the world, everywhere from San Francisco to Florence, Italy, to Hawaii.

Over the years, I’ve learned that as valuable as traditional education is, we can also learn so much by slowing down, having an attuned intuition and connection with our body, and developing healthy relationships.

My Interests

When I’m not working with clients, you can find me eating out at one of my favorite local restaurants, at a training to soak up the latest trauma research, elbows deep in an art project, dancing like no one is watching (even if they are!), or curled up somewhere for a nap.

I’m also fond of walking my Great Dane at the beach, playing around in my garden, and tending to my backyard chicken flock.