
Grief and Loss

Some feelings are hard to overcome.

It hasn’t always been this difficult, but it’s hard to imagine ever feeling good again.

This pain is unsurmountable. You want to let yourself feel good again, but it’s overwhelming.

Right when you start to feel you’ve outsmarted the grief and loss you feel, or even better, to heal once and for all, those feelings sneak back and take you down like a massive tidal wave.

Grief can become all-consuming.

Sometimes, grief is too big and bottomless, making you feel like it could swallow you whole.

While dealing with grief, you may feel tempted to isolate yourself from the world and climb into a hole and hide forever. I get that.

But it’s essential to stay connected to loved ones and establish care with someone who can hold space for all your feelings, even the big ones.

Find help to climb out of the hole.

When we work together in Somatic Coaching, we begin by identifying what’s going right in your world and strengthening the resources you already have. I will never promise that it will all get better or that I have the answers. But I will offer attuned support, nervous system education and somatic grounding tools so you can begin to feel your legs underneath you again and even begin reconnecting with the things in life that bring you joy.

Grief can be like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. We may not exactly know what the ride is going to look and feel like, but I know it’s usually the most challenging in the beginning when the lows are longer and deeper.

Over time, the most painful parts feel a little less intolerable, and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel again. You have the tools you need to live the life you’ve dreamed of.

Let me help you find your light again.

If you’re looking for a quick fix or a band-aid, I can’t help you.

But if you’re looking for someone to offer support, education, resources and walk along the road of healing with you, that is me. I can support you in learning to track your nervous system and feel comfortable in your body again.

Don’t suffer alone another moment; reach out and let’s talk today.