
It’s time to feel like who
you’re really meant to be

Prioritize YOU!

Virtual Somatic Experiencing Sessions Worldwide

You’re tired of being tired.

How is it already morning?

The alarm is going off again. Your body feels heavy, slow, and doesn’t feel like moving.

Time has a cruel way of slowing down when you toss and turn all night.

It’s hard to remember what deep sleep and restfulness feel like.

You can almost recall feeling calm, connected, excited to welcome each day.

That incredible feeling used to fill every cell in your body!

But now it’s a distant memory.

When did it begin to unravel and slip away?

How do you turn off overdrive?

Tight shoulders, clammy palms, upset stomach – your nerves are turned up, and you can’t remember how to turn them off or slow down.

Can you take it much longer?

You’re frustrated by how disconnected you feel in your body, mind, and spirit.

Today is going to be another busy day!

It’s time to put on your clothes and fake it until you make it, but you can’t force a happy face any longer.

Coffee gets you through the day but also feeds this endless cycle.

Help feels tangible, but how do you get there?

It’s incredible to “have it all,” but you’re ready to feel good again.

You’re not giving up, but you’ve tried everything!

Yoga, eating healthy, going to sleep early, exercise, reading a spiritual book – it may look like you have it all from the outside. Still, inside, you feel hollow and disconnected.

Memories of joy, community, and connection linger. You’re ready to reclaim them, no matter what it takes.

You’re ready to make a change, & I’m here to help.

Hi, I’m Keara.

Keara Mangham

The healing journey isn’t always easy or linear, but it’s always worth it.

Together, as partners in your healing journey, we will work to identify what resources you already have present but not be tuned to yet. What dreams, hopes, and aspirations do you have? What lights you up inside and soothes your soul? We will identify things that bring you feelings of safety and resilience inside of you so you can begin to radiate it out into your life as well!

“Trauma isn’t what happens to us but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.”

When you begin to feel more stable and resourced, you will naturally start the trauma healing part of your journey! From a naturalistic, body-oriented approach, we’ll become more familiar with what it feels like to be in your body and what aspects of your life may have gotten stuck there.

You may have gone through stressful times alone, but now you’ll have a trusted friend to walk the healing journey path.

Integration happens when we connect the mind and body. With somatic awareness and supportive tools you will begin feeling Integration again.

Lasting change is possible! Stress may have caused you to live in your head and forget your body, but I’m here to help you integrate them both!

We’ll work together to gently reconnect the pieces of you that were forgotten along the way and release anything that no longer serves you.

What I Offer





Anxiety and


You don’t need to have all the information or even know the story to get started.

Your desire for change is enough!

If you’re ready to make a change today, it’s time to reach out.